Verily, Verily Jesus is not a socialist

My step-brother-in-law posted a link on fb to an article proposing that Jesus was a socialist.  I've read references to this in other places but I never bothered to read them.  It always seemed sacrilegious to tie political terminology to the creator of space and time.  Or to think of it in other terms, mankind's created political systems being superimposed on a pre-existent all-knowing God. This time I followed the link and read the first several paragraphs before having a mental vomit fest of the heresy I was reading.

Liberals have been trying to de-demonize socialism for decades.  Twisting Jesus around to their political ideology is sick.  As others have written, I am not going to propose that Jesus was a conservative.  In fact when Jesus says to give unto Caesar what is Caesar's, he is distinctly separating himself and his ministry from earthly governments.  Jesus will eventually setup a government on a new earth and there will also be a new heaven, but that system will be unlike anything we have ever had.  (Isaiah 65:17, Rev 21:1)

The government, a liberal contends, must help the poor and needy as Jesus instructed us.  Even Obama made this claim not to long ago.  But that is for the people independent of governments to figure out in our heart of hearts.  Our love of Jesus will drive our spirit to shower those around us who are less fortunate with affection and aide.  Having a state/gov't forcibly confiscate our wealth and then redistribute among the poor and needy does absolutely nothing for spiritual growth or fulfilling God's instructions to help the widow, the orphan and the poor.

And now Obama has recently decided that there no longer needs to be any work requirement for welfare.  This has already been PROVEN to work in reducing welfare rolls, but Obama clearly just wants the poor vote.  Pandering to lowest common denominator is what he does best.


  1. In researching my Masters Thesis, I encountered several Biblical scholars who proselytizing this very position. It sickened me to read Biblical scholars politicize Jesus.

  2. I am so sorry to hear that. The last days...


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