When Christmas Truly Became About Family
When I was a young boy in the 70's, it was probably around the time I was 9 (my memory on the exact year is fuzzy), our family had what I consider to be our best Christmas ever. It was because we were out of money, and that meant that Christmas that year was about family. It was not going to be about toys and presents. I'm the youngest of three siblings. My brother is the oldest, then my sister in the middle, and then me - the baby brother. I don't exactly remember If I was still holding onto the Santa Claus myth at this time but after this particular Christmas that was all moot. My dad was a real estate associate and also worked the docks at night. Two jobs all the time. Always working, and especially on the weekends trying to land big real estate deals. Unfortunately, many of the deals he was working hadn't closed escrow before the holidays. We were living only off of his dock...