A World Without the USA: Hell on Earth

I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be captured, the houses ransacked, and the women raped. Half of the city will go into exile, but the rest of the people will not be taken from the city. Then the Lord will go out and fight against those nations, as he fights on a day of battle. (Zech 14:2-3)
They are demonic spirits who work miracles and go out to [ALL] the rulers of the world to gather them for battle against the Lord on that great judgment day of God the Almighty. (REV 16:14)

     Whenever you see the word "all" in the bible, you should then think to yourself that "all" means all and that is all that means! All nations on the last day of the Great Tribulation will gather to attack Israel. It doesn't talk about one nation standing alongside Israel. No USA in end times prophecy. 

     The verse above from the book of Revelation takes place after many plagues have been sent upon earth. It is my personal interpretation that tribulation believers have by this time all been murdered by the anti-christ and the beast. Where is the USA at this point? Won't there be Americans to stand with Israel? The answer is a resounding "NO!" 

     After the election in November '12, I tinkered with secession in an earlier post. But I dismissed it as untenable mostly because I just didn't see how the red states could hold together against the blue states.   I also just didn't want to believe such a scenario. But now I see that isn't the lawless one's plan for America.

     You see, America still represents the last best hope for a strong ally of Israel in the world. For the evil one to get ALL nations to fight against Israel, the United States must be made null and void. 

     Listen to this stunning video:

We're going through an end times sermon series at church right now. My pastor has been touched with some great insight from the Holy Spirit. From what he has been preaching our battle is being setup with Islam not secularism nor communism as previous bible scholars thought. I agree, but I think I already new this in my heart.

     But there have been some new connections that pastor has made that are striking. I'm not going to rehash his work in this blog. If you want, I suggest that you go here and listen to the last several sermons on end times:
**Note: Our church updated the website, so I'm refreshing the link.  You will still need to go back about a year in the archives, but trust me that it is worth it.  The sermon series "Are We Living In The Last Days?" starts on 01-05-13 and continues to 02-09-13.**

     A lot of traffic on Twitter nowadays about how to regain the reigns of power. Impeachment! Gather up guns and ammunition! To what effect though? How are citizens going to take this monster back? And if it comes to civil war, then that means this country is lost. Does anyone think that Russia, China or even Mexico will sit idly by while the USA descends into chaos?

     I believe the evil one has completed his hold on the mass media. Even if Christian conservatives could put forward a Reaganesque type candidate for the 2016 elections (if we make it that far), he or she would be vilified instantly and mercilessly. I'm afraid that the USA is now in it's final slide into chaos. The only thing the beltway Republicans are doing now is simply managing the rate of decline.

     Yes, that is depressing. But it is still the task of Christ followers to continue following Christ. What more reason to boldly proclaim that Jesus is the son of God Almighty, and he was sent to a tiny village 2000 years ago as the 1st child of a virgin to grow up and save us from our sins. At this point, being bold for the sake of Christ becomes crystalline clear.

     I will not be ashamed. He is my savior. My friend. My God. Even more so during times when even my gov't appears to be my enemy, God is my friend, my rock and my fortress.

     ...And I'm making a list of relatives and friends in red states that I may have to crash with just in case, me and my whole family. At least until the rapture...


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