Prop 8 Falling Down
Black civil rights leaders can come out all they want to rail against homosexuals equating civil rights struggle of the 50's & 60's with gay rights of now.
When Prop 8 passed in CA, it was because of the black religious vote that supported traditional marriage of 1 man with 1 woman. And even if society at large and especially the black subculture did not reflect this ideal, the black pastors in CA that supported Prop 8 understood the importance of traditional marriage to their congregation. They knew the toll that out of wedlock children was taking on black culture. The high level of school dropout and high unemployment. Stable traditional marriage supported by black pastors is the key to rebuilding the black household.
Libtards in CA were apoplectic over the black vote helping to push Prop 8 to the win column in CA. How could they? Libtards are the black communities best friend; they provide them with all the free obama-phones and such. How dare they not see gay rights as another type of civil right.
I don't want to get into the sin of homosexuality because I already did that here:
The problem is the virulent anti-Christian and anti-traditional values that the homosexual activist pursues to upend society. What my wife and I have is marriage. It is defined and ordained by God. Two men or two women can have all the same rights of inheritance, contract, medical etc.., but they can't be married. That redefines and weakens what I have. And that is harm to me. Where are my rights?
But they love each other! Why shouldn't people marry who they love no matter what gender that person be? Well, as I just said, that is not marriage by definition. Call it civil union or domestic partnership as we have already been calling it.
What people aren't seeing is that I, as a born again Christian, have no desire to go on any crusade against homosexuals. I am not banning anything. My vote of "Yes" for Prop 8 was a vote to keep the definition of marriage as what God has always defined it. But the homosexual agitator will say that my vote was for banning gay marriage. And then we would simply disagree on that point.
I am not looking to find ways to redefine society to outlaw homosexuality. Quite the contrary as a Christian I want my gay brothers and sisters to feel loved and supported within society. I want gays to not be discriminated against. But how does that work in the workplace? If a flaming gay man shows up to a job interview in a dress and high heels or in his gay outfit, then any employer should be able to enforce their private dress code and behavioral conduct codes. If hiring someone will hurt their business, then they should be able to make the decision to not hire that person.
Let's look at the other flip side of the coin of same sex marriage. What some of you may not realize is that after they get gay marriage approved they plan to petition Christian churches for marriage ceremonies. I could see pastors like Rick Warren caving to gay marriage, but there will be many more that will stand with the Word of God and refuse to perform gay marriage in their houses of worship. They will be sued. It is part of their agenda to then bring lawsuits against churches to render their doctrine discriminatory and hateful.
I also know that waiting in the wings for gay marriage to get approved, are those who want group marriage and animal marriage approved. And this gets even sicker because you know that once those evil whackos come out, then right behind will be those who want marriage with small children to adults approved, and then also those who want necrophilia marriage approved.
The evil is waiting. It is generally held in check by the Christ followers and the church now. But after the rapture, these things will come into the light for approval by the anti-christ. Anything to pull humans away from God.
The Supreme Court is now considering the arguments that they have heard for Prop 8 and DOMA, but don't be fooled, the justices already made up their minds years ago on this issue. As a Christ follower I am prepared to be utterly let down by the black robes. And so should you. Put your hope in Jesus Christ, NOT the court.
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