
God Appoints All World Leaders - the Righteous and the Evil, Obama and Trump

Monday, February 10, 2020, 10:05PM PST First, Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I do not worship anyone on earth. Not Trump. And although I wanted Ted Cruz, I did not worship him.  But I am neither #nevertrump, nor am I a #BranchTrumpidian. I recently unregistered from the Republican Party.  I am no political party. Both support planned murderhood.  In fact, Trump is on a pace to give more taxpayer funds to planned murderhood than Obama ever did - and abortions are rising! I am a Christian conservative.  I will never vote for democrats based on abortion first and foremost, and secondly because the democrat party is now the party of socialism and communism.  I don't really differentiate, the are both equally evil.   But the Republican party is especially dead in my state of California.  They allowed for open primaries and only top two vote-getters are allowed now to be on the final ballot.  In 2016, there were many races on m...

All History Pivots on Israel and Bibi's Speech to Congress

No pressure. Just that everyone in the world is going to hang on every word that Bibi utters Tuesday, March 3rd when he speaks to the U.S. Congress.  For once John Boehner did a good thing inviting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Otherwise, Boehner is a total sell out to Republicans and is no better than mushy, compromising RINO. The date is very weird and evangelical Christians should be humming about his speech being 1 month before April 4th. Why?  On March 20th there will be full solar eclipse.  That is a bad "sign" for the whole world.  On April 4th, the Jewish high holiday of Passover, there will be the third 'Blood Moon' in a tetrad that we are currently within. Perhaps you say "So What?" But America's seeming rejection of Israel is prophesied in the Bible.  In the book of Revelation it says that no one will stand with Israel at the final battle of good vs evil.  America will not be there.  Americans may be there, but an American natio...

When Christmas Truly Became About Family

     When I was a young boy in the 70's, it was probably around the time I was 9 (my memory on the exact year is fuzzy), our family had what I consider to be our best Christmas ever.  It was because we were out of money, and that meant that Christmas that year was about family.  It was not going to be about toys and presents.      I'm the youngest of three siblings.  My brother is the oldest, then my sister in the middle, and then me - the baby brother.  I don't exactly remember If I was still holding onto the Santa Claus myth at this time but after this particular Christmas that was all moot.      My dad was a real estate associate and also worked the docks at night.  Two jobs all the time.  Always working, and especially on the weekends trying to land big real estate deals.  Unfortunately, many of the deals he was working hadn't closed escrow before the holidays.  We were living only off of his dock...

The DEATH Penalty and being Christian

Can I be a 100% sold out born again Christian AND also support capital punishment (death penalty)?  I believe the answer is yes. From a Biblical and moral position, the book of Leviticus allows for the death penalty. There's even an allowance that if your own child curses the name of the parent, you as the parent can stone them to death. Yikes! I think that God was putting that one in knowing how hard that would be and giving humans the opportunity to show mercy.  Yes, but it is also still there. But the New Testament has put mercy over the law, one would say.  Jesus came as fulfillment of the law, and yes his one sacrifice on the cross eliminates the sacrificial system.  Isn't it interesting that for thousands of years the Jews made sacrifices to God, and then after the Romans destroy the temple there have not been sacrifices since? But even though we now live under mercy, what are we to do with those who are pure evil.  #Gosnell comes to mind.  J...

Prop 8 Falling Down

Black civil rights leaders can come out all they want to rail against homosexuals equating civil rights struggle of the 50's & 60's with gay rights of now. BLACK VETERAN PASTOR OF CIVIL RIGHTS STRUGGLE FROM 60'S When Prop 8 passed in CA, it was because of the black religious vote that supported traditional marriage of 1 man with 1 woman. And even if society at large and especially the black subculture did not reflect this ideal, the black pastors in CA that supported Prop 8 understood the importance of traditional marriage to their congregation. They knew the toll that out of wedlock children was taking on black culture. The high level of school dropout and high unemployment. Stable traditional marriage supported by black pastors is the key to rebuilding the black household. Libtards in CA were apoplectic over the black vote helping to push Prop 8 to the win column in CA. How could they? Libtards are the black communities best friend; they provide them ...

Sarah Palin Destroys Barak "Crackhead" Obama

I just love this woman!  She will be involved somehow with midterms in 2014 and the big race in 2016.  Take that to the bank.

A World Without the USA: Hell on Earth

I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be captured, the houses ransacked, and the women raped. Half of the city will go into exile, but the rest of the people will not be taken from the city.  Then the  Lord  will go out and fight against those nations, as he fights on a day of battle. (Zech 14:2-3)      They are demonic spirits who work miracles and go out to [ ALL ] the rulers of the world to gather them for battle against the Lord on that great judgment day of God the Almighty. (REV 16:14)      Whenever you see the word "all" in the bible, you should then think to yourself that "all" means all and that is all that means! All nations on the last day of the Great Tribulation will gather to attack Israel. It doesn't talk about one nation standing alongside Israel. No USA in end times prophecy.       The verse above from the book of Revelation takes place after many plagues ...