Prop 8 Falling Down

Black civil rights leaders can come out all they want to rail against homosexuals equating civil rights struggle of the 50's & 60's with gay rights of now. BLACK VETERAN PASTOR OF CIVIL RIGHTS STRUGGLE FROM 60'S When Prop 8 passed in CA, it was because of the black religious vote that supported traditional marriage of 1 man with 1 woman. And even if society at large and especially the black subculture did not reflect this ideal, the black pastors in CA that supported Prop 8 understood the importance of traditional marriage to their congregation. They knew the toll that out of wedlock children was taking on black culture. The high level of school dropout and high unemployment. Stable traditional marriage supported by black pastors is the key to rebuilding the black household. Libtards in CA were apoplectic over the black vote helping to push Prop 8 to the win column in CA. How could they? Libtards are the black communities best friend; they provide them ...