I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest. Rev 6:2
I wondered to myself why I hadn't heard about Israel in the news earlier this year. Silly of me to think such a thought. The dinosaur MSM despises Israel. And the Dino MSM had an election in which to cheer-lead for their lover. So although the generally anesthetized and ignorant American public had no idea, Israel has been suffering almost daily rocket attacks from evil muslim hamas [I don't capitalize these words] terrorists in the Gaza Strip.
Finally, Israel counters and the world condemns them. Even the present administration had difficulty distancing itself from Turkey's pronouncement siding with Hamas. The bible verse above is the first action after the very first scroll of judgments is opened by Jesus Christ. I don't believe we are quite to this point in history, but we are very close. History itself is winding down. Can't you sense it? It is eerie to see how Israel is being positioned to be THE despised nation left alone on the world stage.
Of course the present US administration publicly states that Israel has a right to defend itself, but after the democrat convention at which both God and Israel were summarily booed, one can't help but see this as lip service to what few moderates are left in the socialist leftist democrat party here in America.
The USA has become estranged from its Christian religious roots. Here we are the night before Thanksgiving Day 2012 and if my history lessons are any good then this is the day our nation sets aside to pray and give thanksgiving to the Lord God. It is the example of the Puritan Pilgrims that we are following. Their first year in the new world was marked by hunger, suffering and death - yet with Squanto's help they succeeded and through it all gave thanks.
So tomorrow give thanks to the Lord God for he is good and remembers you in your suffering. He also remembers Israel. Yes as America appears to be slipping from the leading role in the world to just another secular nation among the other also ran democracies and dictators of the world, Israel becomes more and more isolated as the nation of The Book. The original children of God, Israel is trying to find its own way even now. A cease fire brokered by Egypt is definitely welcomed, but all past cease fires were just an excuse by the PLO [and now hamas] to rearm and lick their wounds.
So world history is rightfully turning it's attention to Israel. The central nation of all history is back front and center. Making a choice on Israel is making a choice for righteousness or for evil. It is that clear. Israel is a nation that follows the Book and that is goodness. Those who side against Israel, side with evil.
If Israel lays down their arms for peace then they will be dead, but if muslims lay down their arms for peace, then there will truly be peace. Pray for Israel while you give thanks. Pray for all muslims and especially those that border with Israel. Pray for America that we see revival. It doesn't appear to be in revelation that any nation represented by the eagle from out of the west will come to Israel's aid. But pray anyway because it is God's will that none should perish and all should be saved by Jesus Christ.
God bless you this Thanksgiving Day.
I wondered to myself why I hadn't heard about Israel in the news earlier this year. Silly of me to think such a thought. The dinosaur MSM despises Israel. And the Dino MSM had an election in which to cheer-lead for their lover. So although the generally anesthetized and ignorant American public had no idea, Israel has been suffering almost daily rocket attacks from evil muslim hamas [I don't capitalize these words] terrorists in the Gaza Strip.
Finally, Israel counters and the world condemns them. Even the present administration had difficulty distancing itself from Turkey's pronouncement siding with Hamas. The bible verse above is the first action after the very first scroll of judgments is opened by Jesus Christ. I don't believe we are quite to this point in history, but we are very close. History itself is winding down. Can't you sense it? It is eerie to see how Israel is being positioned to be THE despised nation left alone on the world stage.
Of course the present US administration publicly states that Israel has a right to defend itself, but after the democrat convention at which both God and Israel were summarily booed, one can't help but see this as lip service to what few moderates are left in the socialist leftist democrat party here in America.
The USA has become estranged from its Christian religious roots. Here we are the night before Thanksgiving Day 2012 and if my history lessons are any good then this is the day our nation sets aside to pray and give thanksgiving to the Lord God. It is the example of the Puritan Pilgrims that we are following. Their first year in the new world was marked by hunger, suffering and death - yet with Squanto's help they succeeded and through it all gave thanks.
So tomorrow give thanks to the Lord God for he is good and remembers you in your suffering. He also remembers Israel. Yes as America appears to be slipping from the leading role in the world to just another secular nation among the other also ran democracies and dictators of the world, Israel becomes more and more isolated as the nation of The Book. The original children of God, Israel is trying to find its own way even now. A cease fire brokered by Egypt is definitely welcomed, but all past cease fires were just an excuse by the PLO [and now hamas] to rearm and lick their wounds.
So world history is rightfully turning it's attention to Israel. The central nation of all history is back front and center. Making a choice on Israel is making a choice for righteousness or for evil. It is that clear. Israel is a nation that follows the Book and that is goodness. Those who side against Israel, side with evil.
If Israel lays down their arms for peace then they will be dead, but if muslims lay down their arms for peace, then there will truly be peace. Pray for Israel while you give thanks. Pray for all muslims and especially those that border with Israel. Pray for America that we see revival. It doesn't appear to be in revelation that any nation represented by the eagle from out of the west will come to Israel's aid. But pray anyway because it is God's will that none should perish and all should be saved by Jesus Christ.
God bless you this Thanksgiving Day.
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