
Showing posts from November, 2012

Jamie Foxx and Jesus Christ

      No, Jamie Foxx did not just say that did he? ...Well, I guess he just did!      Is there any doubt how far the bias goes?  It's a kind of soft racism that a black man says this about another black man who has reached a position of power that has not hitherto been reached by any other black man in America.  Soft in that it is a in your face white man.  Not only is he president, but he is our lord and savior, Barak Hussein Obama.  So now if we criticize the president on the merits or lack thereof his policies and governing, then not only are we racist but we are also then against god.      Well, let it be proclaimed, the only true Lord and Savior Jesus Christ rebuke Jamie Foxx.  Close his mouth.  Stumble his efforts.  Confuse his mind.  May all his plans end in failure, for he is without the true and living God Almighty. 7 For  many deceivers  have gone out into the w...


I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest. Rev 6:2      I wondered to myself why I hadn't heard about Israel in the news earlier this year.  Silly of me to think such a thought.  The dinosaur MSM despises Israel.  And the Dino MSM had an election in which to cheer-lead for their lover.  So although the generally anesthetized and ignorant American public had no idea, Israel has been suffering almost daily rocket attacks from evil muslim hamas [I don't capitalize these words] terrorists in the Gaza Strip.      Finally, Israel counters and the world condemns them.  Even the present administration had difficulty distancing itself from Turkey's pronouncement siding with Hamas.  The bible verse above is the first action after the very first scroll of judgments is opened by Jesus Christ.  I don'...

Don't Let the Door Hit You on the Way Out, Meghan

The Republicans never had a worse enemy than John McCain, and it appears that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree: Don't Let the Door Hit You on the Way Out, Meghan

Pastor tackles PC that cost election

"Until national pro-family organizations start acting more biblical and God-fearing and less like their color and culture, we will not win any more elections," the uncompromising pastor concludes. Pastor tackles PC that cost election * ...Okay, well there is that, and the massive voter fraud committed by useful idiot democrats to keep their comrade leader in office.

Pelosi Unsure on 11th & 14th Amendments: ‘Whatever It Is, I’m with the Constitution’ | CNS News

I don't claim to be an expert on the constitution, but I do expect the minority leader of the House of Representatives to be well versed in constitutional law.  I guess one has to read the constitution to know what is in it... Pelosi Unsure on 11th & 14th Amendments: ‘Whatever It Is, I’m with the Constitution’ | CNS News

Boehner: "No Tea Party Caucus in the House"

Fine, John.  We don't exist.  Keep your head in the sand brother.  Two more years till midterms. Until then, here's a copy of an email that I got today.  Check out the blogs noted and get involved in the conversation: Six Blogs You Should Visit Today Here are 6 Blogs that you’ll be glad you read.  Add these to the bookmarks on your web browser and visit them on a regular basis. It benefits all of us in the Tea Party movement if we stay connected through a variety of networks, keep the conversation going, and get information from several different sources.  These 6 are examples of blogs that tend to support Tea Party principles and they deserve our support. Bloggers thrive on comments and traffic.  So when you go to these blogs do four simple things.   Read the posts and find some that interest you. Comment on the posts and join the conversation. Share links to the stories that interest you by copying the web URLs and posting ...

Electoral Divide Follow Up: Talk of Secession

In my last blog entry I discussed how our nation is geographically split along political philosophy.  I saw another type of map that showed states that created more jobs since June 2009 till September of 2012.  The states that created 72% of the jobs in that period were the states that had right to work laws which President Obama vehemently opposes.  But that didn't prevent him for taking credit for the job creation. That means, according to the National Institute for Labor Relations Research, that “Right to Work states … were responsible for 72% of all net household job growth across the US from June 2009 through September 2012.” That 72% statistic is all the more stunning when you realize that according to 2010 census numbers, the right-to-work states included in this calculation -- which does not include Indiana, since it just went right-to-work -- represent just under 40% of the population of the country. Right-to-work states disproportionately cre...

The Great Presidential Electoral Divide

Image       This electoral map for the 2012 presidential election shows a clear divide between the west coast and the heavily populated New England and upper mid-west states.  I heard a good explanation on AM870 with Michael Medved earlier today discussing how the electoral votes are determined.  Something I hadn't studied in a long time, but it was good to get the refresher course.  So, each state gets one electoral vote per congressional representative and one for each senator.  The minimum therefore is 3 electoral votes for say, little ole Delaware.  And California is the master with 55 electoral votes.  Each state determines by law how these votes are "cast" each presidential election.  Most all states have a winner take all type system where whichever candidate wins the state overall, then gets all the electoral votes.      A few states have change...

November 5th: Election Eve In America

Obama is reportedly crying at rally in Iowa.  Romney continues upbeat, enthusiastic message.  Biden stumps at rally in Virginia and only about 800 people show up.  Obama says over this last weekend that voting is the best revenge.  Romney counters that voting should be done for the love of country.  And on, and on... And I just started following the Obama campaign on Twitter.  I should've started so much earlier - it's hilarious.  The desperation was sick today.  Check out the photo they posted today: Way to spike the football ...again, and again. I'm sure Ambassador Stevens would be so proud.  And Woods, and Doherty and Smith.