All History Pivots on Israel and Bibi's Speech to Congress

No pressure. Just that everyone in the world is going to hang on every word that Bibi utters Tuesday, March 3rd when he speaks to the U.S. Congress. For once John Boehner did a good thing inviting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Otherwise, Boehner is a total sell out to Republicans and is no better than mushy, compromising RINO. The date is very weird and evangelical Christians should be humming about his speech being 1 month before April 4th. Why? On March 20th there will be full solar eclipse. That is a bad "sign" for the whole world. On April 4th, the Jewish high holiday of Passover, there will be the third 'Blood Moon' in a tetrad that we are currently within. Perhaps you say "So What?" But America's seeming rejection of Israel is prophesied in the Bible. In the book of Revelation it says that no one will stand with Israel at the final battle of good vs evil. America will not be there. Americans may be there, but an American natio...