The DEATH Penalty and being Christian

Can I be a 100% sold out born again Christian AND also support capital punishment (death penalty)? I believe the answer is yes. From a Biblical and moral position, the book of Leviticus allows for the death penalty. There's even an allowance that if your own child curses the name of the parent, you as the parent can stone them to death. Yikes! I think that God was putting that one in knowing how hard that would be and giving humans the opportunity to show mercy. Yes, but it is also still there. But the New Testament has put mercy over the law, one would say. Jesus came as fulfillment of the law, and yes his one sacrifice on the cross eliminates the sacrificial system. Isn't it interesting that for thousands of years the Jews made sacrifices to God, and then after the Romans destroy the temple there have not been sacrifices since? But even though we now live under mercy, what are we to do with those who are pure evil. #Gosnell comes to mind. J...