
Showing posts from December, 2012

JESUS CHRIST And Newtown CT - Where Is God?

     Where was God on Friday, December 14th?  And for that matter during the Virginia Tech shooting?  And the theater shooting in Aurora, CO?  And the Columbine High School shooting?  We can keep going, but you get the idea.  We can also ask this question in respect to the 9/11 attack.  But for this column I want to stay focused on the school attacks.         And when the face of evil confronts us, a godless society turns to Christians and says, "Where is your God?  Why did he let this happen?"   God was there.  And his heart is sad.  satan was there as well and his heart is black with joy at the discord his agent has sown.  Yes, the shooter was evil.  And yes, the shooter was doing the evil one's plans.           Our national spiritual history has led us to this point.  We have kicked God out of our classrooms and made Christians out to be...

Sarah Palin On Fire ~ Nukes Susan Rice, Jay Carney, Obama, Ect.

I've always been a big fan of Sarah Palin.  She does not read from a teleprompter as lefties will claim she does (that is your boy O that does that).  She is a plain speaker and a straight shooter. Sarah Palin On Fire ~ Nukes Susan Rice, Jay Carney, Obama, Ect... - YouTube

Bob Costas: Gun Conrtol Is Leftist Diarrhea

     Every time some deranged person with a gun shots an elected official, or people in a movie theater in CO, or his girlfriend and then himself in front of his coach, the lefties come unhinged about gun control.  Don't buy into it.  The 2nd amendment was always about free people resisting tyranny.        Crazy sick people will use a knife if you took away their gun.  They would use a bat if you took away their knives.  They would use their fists if you took everything away from them.  Some people are beyond repair, and that is what death penalties are for.  But let's leave the death penalty for another discussion.            Really Bob?  Are you that stupid?  Stick to sports because you obviously know absolutely nothing about which you are speaking.  That message is to all leftist, liberal, commie tyrants that want a compliant citizenry which is bereft ...

You Belong to the Gov't (But I don't Sucker)

Remember at the DNC 2012 back in September of this year?  There was the video above that played on the big screens to the attendees.  The now infamous line from that video states, "Government is the one thing that we all belong to." No reaction from intellectuals anywhere.  No understanding of the founding principles of this country and how that line is more akin to the Marx or Lenin.  People are either so 'dumbed down' because of the educational system failure.  Or they are apathetic.  Or they agree with that line.  If they agree with that line then they are on the slippery slope toward despotism and dictatorship.  The government belongs to us.  We own it.  It is a thing and it is supposed to remain a small thing in our lives.  Allowing it to get big makes our freedom and liberty small.  Obviously, it is BIG.  And look at the power it swings around.  There are plenty of articles discussing the math of...